Processing of students personal information at Roskilde University

Roskilde University is the Data Controller for the personal information, which we receive from the relevant application-systems and from you as a student. The relevant application systems are:

  • Digital Application System (DANS) – DK: Digital Ansøgningssystem (DANS)
  • Coordinated Enrolment (KOT) – DK: Koordineret tilmelding (KOT)

Roskilde University processes your personal information with an aim to ensure that your education proceeds appropriately, according to plan and in line with the current rules and legislation. The legal foundation for processing your personal information is the Danish data proection law (databeskyttelsesloven) section 12, subsection 1 cf. The General Data Protection Regulation article 6, section 1, litra c. This means that our basis for processing your personal information originates in the following national legislation:

  • Order on Admission and Enrolment on Bachelor Programmes at Universities
  • Order on Admission and Enrolment on Master's Programmes at Universities
  • University Programme Order
  • Grading Scale Order
  • Examination Order
  • The University Act

They can be found in English here:

The processing is carried out to ensure that you are correctly admitted to the relevant education, as well as ensuring compliance with legal and other requirements regarding the education.

Your personal information will be retained at Roskilde University for 30 years as we are legally required to be able to complete a certificate of test results for this duration.

Your personal information will be handed over to Statistics Denmark, the ministriy of education and research as well as the Danish Students’ Grants and Loan scheme.

Regarding mobile phone number
In the process of admission we might ask you to send your mobile phone number.

We process the information with an aim to ensure you gain access to relevant systems at RUC. Our legal basis for the processing is GDPR article 6(1)(e). We do not hand over your personal information with anyone outside Roskilde University. The information can however be processed via the the means of a data-processor (service provider) in so far this is necessary to fulfill the primary task.

The information will be processed during your enrollment deleted after dis-enrolment.

You are not legally obligated to provide the information, but the data is necessary to ensure that you can be correctly registered and gain access to the relevant systems.


Your rights

On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation you have following rights regarding our processing of your personal information:

  • You have the right to request access to the personal information we process about you – Article 15.
  • You have the right to request that incomplete, inaccurate or wrongful data corrected or deleted – Article 16 and 17.
  • You have the right to lodge a complaint regarding the processing of your personal information as carried out by Roskilde University.

You can find more information as well as guidance on your rights at  – you can change the language in the top right corner.

In order to make use of your rights you can either contact Roskilde University - Education and Students. Alternatively you can also contact the Data Protection Officer at Roskilde University via Furthermore you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency. You can find their contact information at – You can change the language top right corner.