Contact us

You can contact us in different ways depending on what you need help with and which type of communication you want.

You can get assistance from us in the following areas:

Study and career guidance

Study planning, challanges in your student life, Special Educational Support, clarification of your competencies and assistance on how to write a good application and CV.

Registration and cancellation of courses, projects, internships and exams

Registration and cancellation of courses, projects and exams at both bachelor's and master's degrees at RUC. Internship applications.

Study abroad, pre-approval of courses and credit transfer

Exchange opportunities and credit transfer of courses taken on other universities in Denmark or abroad during your studies at RUC.

Admission, enrolment, SU and exam cerificates

Admission to RUC, disenrolment, SU, study activity requirements and exam certificates and transcripts.

You can contact us in the following ways:

Visit us

In the Student Hub in building 01 you can meet study administrative employees and the Study & Career Guidance who are ready to help you with all your study related questions.

Opening hours
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 12-13.30. In September we are also open Fridays from 12.00-13.30.

Notice that RUC Abroad are available only on Tuesdays and the Career Guidance only on Thursdays.

Student Hub is closed on public holidays and the following dates in 2024:

23/12-1/1 2025


Book an appointment with the Study and Career Guidance

You can book an appointment with the Study Guidance, Career Guidance or Special Support Guidance.
You can choose if you want to meet physically or talk via the phone or Zoom.

Book an appointment here.

Be aware that you cannot book an appointment until September 16. If you need to talk to the Study and Career Guidance before please visit us in Student Hub or call us.

Call us

Study and career guidance

Call the Study and Career Guidance and Special Support Guidance Monday-Friday 10.00-11.30 on +45 46742424.

Call Special Educational Support responsible Charlotte Høeg Monday-Friday on +45 46742061.

Registration and cancellation of courses, projects and exams

Call Registration & Exams all weekdays 10.00 - 11.30 on +45 46742300.

Study abroad, pre-approval and credit transfer

Call RUC Abroad weekdays between 10.00-11.30 on +45 46742144.

Admission, enrolment, SU and exam certificates

Call OBS all weekdays between 10.00-12.00 on +45 46743461.

Send us an e-mail

Study and career guidance

Registration and cancellation of courses, projects and exams

Who you have to write to depend on what you are studying:

  • International Bachelor in Natural Sciences, Physics and Scientific Modelling, Chemical Biology, Mathematical Bioscience and Environmental Science: 
  • Computer Science, Nordic Urban Planning Studies and Social Entrepreneurship and Management: 
  •  Media and Communication: 

  • Business Administration and Leadership, Global and Development Studies and International Politics and Governance:

Internship applications

For questions about the application for project oriented internship you can contact Dorthe Mathiesen and Line Nora Dalby on

Study abroad, pre-approval and credit transfer

Questions regarding Erasmus+, Nordlys and overseas exchange:

Questions regarding pre-approval and final credit transfer after exchange:

Admission, enrolment, SU and exam certificates

Questions regarding admission, enrolment, leave of absence and mandatory credit transfer:

Questions regarding exam certificates:

Questions regarding SU:

Questions regarding the first year exam and the RUC study activity requirement: